Positive Effects of Volcanoes

This is the the last post of this session. Positivity is the key. We are still in the topic volcanoes. Volcanic eruptions have great effects towards towards human and environment surrounding it. We are going to discuss first the positive effects of the eruption of volcanoes.
According to Sam McCormack [1], several positive effects are happening because f volcanic activity. Here are those
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Fertile Soils
Volcanic soils are very fertile. These rich soils are called laterite soils and are rich in minerals. They are common in many countries such as Brazil, where coffee is grown, and parts of Southern Italy, where fruit and vegetables are grown.
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Many dormant and active volcanoes attract hundreds of thousands of tourists each year. Mount Vesuvius in Southern Italy and Mount Etna in Sicily are very popular. Tourists flock to these to climb the sides and to experience the landscape. This leads to many spin-off industries such as bus companies, restaurants, shops and hotels. This generates a lot of employment. In the case of Mount Vesuvius, nearby locations such as Pompeii, destroyed in 79 AD by the violent eruption of Vesuvius, also attract tourists.
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Geothermal Energy
It is responsible for providing approximately 80% of homes in Iceland with electricity. Energy is harnessed in areas where water is super heated to temperatures often over 1000°C due to rocks being heated below them. The water does not evaporate but instead the steam and hot water are pushed to the surface where turbines harness the energy produced. This energy is then turned into electricity, as is done in Iceland.
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Creation of New Land
Volcanoes can create new land for human habitation, for example, Iceland.
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Building materials
Granite, which is used in the construction industry, is formed by volcanic activity.
There are also three positive effects BBC [2] has given:
ONE: The dramatic scenery created by volcanic
eruptions attracts tourists. This
brings income to an area.
TWO: The lava and ash deposited during an eruption breaks
down to provide valuable nutrients for the soil.
This creates very fertile soil which
is good for agriculture
THREE: The high level of heat and activity inside the
Earth, close to a volcano, can provide
opportunities for generating
geothermal energy.
To know more the positive effects of volcanoes, click the link below.
Cipher of the Blog
What snow peaked-volcano located in the East Asia
that has attractive scenery and a tourist destination
for many people? It is located on the Honshu Island.
Use base 8 number system.
23 - 7 - 4 - 7 - 10 - 6 - 7 - 17 - 4 - 0 - 12 - 16 - 5 - 5 - 24 - 11 - 10
[1] https://rocogeog.files.wordpress.com/2013/11/the-positive-and-negative-effects-of-volcanic-activity-by-sam-mccormack.pdf
[2] www.bbc.co.uk/schools/gcsebitesize/geography/natural_hazards/volcanoes_rev5.shtml